Factory New and Overhauled Products


AIR MARSHALLIs committed to complete customer satisfaction by offering OEM Factory New parts at the highest quality standards, which are manufactured in accordance with all approved Lockheed Martin drawings and specifications. Air Marshall is a stocking supplier for “HOLOGRAM” parts and holds a substantial amount of inventory on the shelf ready for immediate delivery, including Landing Gears, Rainbow Fittings, Corner Fittings, along with 1,000’s of others.

Has offered Factory New, Overhauled components and accessories from FAA-Certified, OEM Authorized, and Lockheed Martin C-130B-H Hologram Approved Repair Centers. We are committed to providing the best value and highest quality of Factory New, Overhauled, and Repaired aircraft accessories and components for the C-130 / L100 Aircraft.